A quarter of a century of euthanasia and assisted suicides

Health and mortality

September 30, 2024

Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, Asher D. Colombo

Are migrants healthier than non-migrants? The case of Albanians in Italy

With respect to other members of an origin population, migrants are selected on the basis of certain characteristics. This selection can affect economic prospects and education but also health. Elisa ... Read more

Heatwaves and birthweight in Africa

Liliana Andriano shows that heatwave exposure prior to birth causes lower birthweight. Given the implications for life-long health and well-being, the study provides insights for policymakers who are concerned with ... Read more

Effects of forest environment construction on physical activity

The Chinese government attaches great importance to the construction of National Forest Cities, which have proved effective not only as part of the national low-carbon environmental strategy, but also as ... Read more

The crisis-driven shifts of Venezuelan migration patterns

The Venezuelan exodus stands as the largest displacement in recent Latin American history, with around 22.5% of the population now living abroad. Drawing on data from seven of the main ... Read more

Disability-free grandparenthood in Italy: changes between 1998 and 2016

In Italy, grandparents are a fundamental source of care for children, and families are the main source of support for older individuals. Margherita Moretti, Elisa Cisotto and Alessandra De Rose ... Read more

Older people’s age reporting: the case of Uganda

The implications of inaccurate age-reporting among older people are rarely investigated. Alice Reid, Allen Kabagenyi, Stephen Wandera, Joshua Beinomugisha and Sarah Walters suggest that age-heaping may have more to do ... Read more

Did you know?

Permanent migration to OECD countries reached 6.1 million in 2022, a 26% increase compared with 2021, and its highest level since at least 2005. Rising labour migration was one contributing factor, as migrant workers have helped lower labour and skills shortages in OECD countries.

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