Care, retirement & wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes

Edited by: Bruno Arpino

isbn: 978-88-32003-03-1

Editing and graphic design: Caterina Livi Bacci and Giovanni Mattioli

Bruno Arpino edits the first N-IUSSP e-book, reporting the main results of an international research project that has just come to an end: “Care, retirement & wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes” (CREW).


1 – Introduction

2 – Demography of kinship and consequences of kinlessness

2.1 – Rachel Margolis and Ashton M. Verdery Demographic change and aging without family: a global perspective

2.2 – Rachel Margolis and Laura Wright Healthy grandparenthood: how long is it, and how has it changed?

2.3 – Malgorzata Mikucka In Switzerland, fertility does not rhyme with happiness

2.4 – Malgorzata Mikucka Swiss, elderly, single, and childless. Happy?

2.5 – Nekehia T. Quashie, Bruno Arpino, Radoslaw Antczak and Christine A. Mair Health at older ages: childless adults not always worse off than parents

3 – Health and wellbeing of older people

3.1 – Damiano Uccheddu, Anne H. Gauthier, Nardi Steverink and Tom Emery • Gender and socioeconomic inequalities
in health after age 50 in Europe

3.2 – Aida Solè Aurò  and Mariona Lozano Socioeconomic differences in life satisfaction and longevity in Spain

3.3 – Francesca Zanasi, Gustavo De Santis and Elena Pirani  The transition to late adulthood: past adversities increase frailty

3.4 – Malgorzata Mikucka • Growing old in a post-communist society. Who gets lonely in Poland and when?

3.5 – Omar Paccagnella • Towards a better identification of older people at risk of depression

4 – Intergenerational transfers and caregiving

4.1 – Hans Hamalainen and Bruno Arpino • Is support between parents and adult children reciprocal?

4.2 – Bruno Arpino and Madelin Gomez-Leon • Stretched to breaking point? Caregiving grandparents and depression

4.3 – Damiano Uccheddu, Tom Emery, Nardi Steverink and Anne H. Gauthier • Gendered health burdens and benefits of starting and ending caregiving

4.4 – Sarah E. Patterson and Rachel Margolis • Caregiving: there’s more than meets the eye

5 – Pension systems and retirement

5.1 – Gustavo De Santis • Clash of the Titans: NDC vs IPAYG (pay-as-you-go pension systems)

5.2 – Ester Rizzi and Kim Younga • Mothers’ dilemma at retirement across welfare regimes

5.3 – Francesca Zanasi and Inge Sieben •Grandmotherhood and retirement in Italy

5.4 – Elena Pirani, Gustavo De Santis and Francesca Zanasi • It all depends on how you do it. Health effects of leaving the labour market

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